Arts, networks and ecosystems 2.0
2009/10/01 - 2009/10/31 | Online

Arts, networks and ecosystems 2.0


Coordination: Pau Alsina

Guests: Josep Perelló, Raquel Rennó, Eugenio Tisselli, Pau Waelder


Registration deadline: 23 September. Send your personal details, along with your CV and a covering letter outlining your interest to

Attendance to this workshop can be authenticated in the form of 1 free-choice credit in the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)


In recent years the concept of networks has taken on special relevance in that it is used to explain new social relationships, the free distribution of information via the web, organisational structures of human groups, whether

hackers, fans, activists, or even resistance groups, and virus transmission at both a biological and computer level.


In the artistic field, networks have been incorporated as a means of production and publication for some time. That they became incorporated was principally due to the effective establishment of the

Internet and the working methods deriving from it. But this incorporation should bring with it a transversal reflection regarding the potentialities, limitations and political implications of the use of networks. The aim of this forum is to study, from different perspectives, the various theories on networks, establishing parallels, similarities and differences, areas of confluence or disruption that may contribute towards clarifying the different processes associated with them.



I – Theoretical-historical context of the concepts of networks and ecosystems (socially, technologically and biologically)
II - Protocols and the structure of horizontal power
III- Structures/dynamics of power in networks
IV- Collaborative dynamics in cultural/artistic production
V- Relationship between experts/non-experts in network structures
VI- Concept of the finished work vs. work in progress


The workshop is aimed at all kinds of people: artists, engineers, geographers, architects, programmers, designers, musicians or hackers, whether professional or amateur.



The takes the form of a virtual forum which lasts for four weeks, in the course of which we will discuss the most important topics and the state of affairs of current research into the relationships between art, networks and ecosystems.





Pau Alsina is a lecturer in Arts and Humanities at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). He is the director of Artnodes, arts, science and technology space at the UOC. A researcher in art, culture and technology at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute- IN3, he has published diverse articles, essays and books on art, thinking and digital culture. He has collaborated on issues concerned with culture and information and communication technology with various public and private institutions. He is a founding member of Yasmin, the international arts, science and technology network of the Mediterranean

, and of the LABS project, carried out with Leonardo/International Society of Art, Science and Technology.


Josep Perelló is an assistant lecturer in the Department of Fundamental Physics at the University of Barcelona. He is a doctor and graduate in Physics, specialising in econophysics. He combines his research and teaching activity with work as a scientific writer and communicator, making a special effort to forge a fraternity between Sciences and Arts. He recently published Teoria de l'striptease aleatori

(Ed. 3i4, 2004). He is currently the head of the Sciences and Arts department of Arts Santa Mónica.


Raquel Rennó is a doctor in Communication and Semiotics from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2007), a researcher for the ICA (Institut Català D´Antropologia) and the CNPQ (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Brazil) and a member of the scientific committee of the FILE (Festival de Linguagem Eletrônica, Brazil). She takes part in projects on experimentation in digital culture with artists and researchers in France and Spain and has presented her work in centres such as ZKM, La Laboral, MediaLab Madrid

and Viper Festival, among others.

Eugenio Tisselli
is a programmer, poet, artist and lecturer ay the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, currently living in Barcelona although originally from México City

. His area of research is the design of physical interfaces and the creation of multimedia software. As a programmer, he has developed specific applications for a variety of artists. Among others, he has worked with Antoni Abad, Marcel·lí Antúnez and La Fura dels Baus. He is the co-founder, together with José Lozano, of the inter-disciplinary group Vaina Systems. His individual works include MIDIPoet, which enables texts and/or controllable images to be composed and performed.


Pau Waelder is an art critic, curator and researcher in the area of digital art and culture. He has participated in diverse international symposiums on Media Art, publishing his research in a variety of books on art, videogames and digital culture such as Extending Experiences. Structure, Analysis and Design of Game Player Experience (Rovaniemi: Lapland University Press, 2008). He has curated exhibitions such as Metapaisajes (Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró a Mallorca/ Deichtorcenter Hamburg) and FLOW (CCA Andratx). He has collaborated on digital arts and culture websites such as Rhizome (New York) and Artnodes (Barcelona), and regularly publishes arts reviews in Diari de Balears, Furtherfield, Magazine du CIAC, ASPECT, Vernissage TV and a::minima. At present he is the editor of the media art

section of the contemporary arts magazine




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