Taku Unami & Mattin

Video Description

These two musicians question the whole aesthetic of contemporary digital music: the desire to upgrade hardware and software, program virtuosity and strive for a better quality of sound... They play with the marginality of the music, transgressing the clichés of digital gigs. Take Unami playing with the surface of a speaker which vibrates inaudibly with computer-generated frequencies. Or Mattin's use of self-generated feedback...

728.mov — QuickTime video, 19450Kb

Copyright 2009, by the Contributing Authors. Cite/attribute Resource. animatu. (1900, enero 01). Taku Unami & Mattin. Retrieved septiembre 01, 2024, from Arteleku.net Web site: http://old.arteleku.net/arteleku/laboratories/audiolab/archive/concierto-taku-unami-mattin/videos/taku-unami-mattin. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Creative Commons License
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