


Arteleku AUDIOLAB was founded in January 2003 to foster experimentation in music and sound.

Managed by Xabier Erkizia and the Arteleku contemporary art centre, AUDIOLAB organises and hosts a range of events, including workshops, seminars, concerts, conferences and other projects.

AUDIOLAB seeks to showcase and back the work of international and local artists by building on the research to create, develop and influence this type of proposals.

It also aims to study the importance of the role of sound in the world of art and in today’s societies in general.

AUDIOLAB has worked and works with different projects and festivals including: ERTZ, PLAZA FESTIVAL, 9CDR, ELEKTRONIKALDIA, ANIMAC, ELECTROGRAPH, [UN]COMMON SOUNDS...

It is also a consultant for the MEDIA LIBRARY run by Arteleku and advises on books, records, DVDs and other documents involving sound.

Laboratory of Image in Movement

Laboratory of Image in Movement 


The laboratory seeks to create a theoretical and practical environment to experiment and produce audiovisual media. The workshops to be held in 2010 will bring the animation technique to those artists who have already worked in the media and those that are tackling it for the first time.

Art and technology

Art and technology

The Arteleku Art and Technology Laboratory is an open work and research area with an emphasis on the new media. Digital and electronic art, data visualization, interactivity, experimental videogames and the networks are some of the areas on which the laboratory is focusing from an experimental and critical approach.





Mugatxoan is an artistic project that has been active since 1998, created as a result of an informal network of collaborators that brings together the artistic directors Ion Munduate and Blanca Calvo, via the association Entrecuerpos -Mugatxoan and the centres Arteleku, Fundação de Serralves and Teatro de la Laboral.



Serigrafia  eta Litografia tailerrak ARTELEKUk proiektu artistikoen garapena bultzatzeko eskaintzen dituen  zerbitzuetariko bi dira. Lantegiok bertan lan egin nahi duten guztien eskura daude baldin eta lantegiaren funtzionamendu sistemara egokitzen badira.  Lantegiak duten programazioaz gain, koordinatzailearen aholkularitza etengabea ere eskaintzen da.

Tailerrak erabiltzeko interesa izan ezkero, jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan:

Nerea Lopez:
Iñaki Rifaterra:

Ikusi arauak eta baldintzak

Dokumentu Akzioak