Lithography Courses
2004/07/01 - 2004/07/30 | Arteleku

Lithography Courses


Since it was founded, Arteleku has held numerous lithography workshops for artists, run by Don Herbert. These workshops have been aimed at introducing the participating artists to lithographic techniques. This year, once again, the engraving process right from the start will be covered in these two workshops. The artist him or herself will carry out the tasks of: preparing the paper, cleaning and mounting the study, chemical treatment of the original, and the engraving itself, under the supervisions and directions of Don Herbert.


Any interested artist may register for the course. The application shall be sent to Arteleku, between June 25th, for the first workshop, and before July 25th for the second workshop, by means of submitting the attached registration form, curriculum vitae, and photographs or slides in colour of the work in question, indicating its size.
The selection process shall be carried out by the person running the workshop and his decision may not be appealed. The photographs/slides of the work will play an important role when selecting the participants. Admission to the course will be notified personally.

Price: €78.13 each course.

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