09/10/2006 - 22/12/2006 | Arteleku



Installation. Work by Beatriz Churruca Echeverría
Place: Arteleku’s Hall
Game-based approach: David Moreau
Sewing: Justino Martín Bartolomé
Production: Arteleku- Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia   

If these pieces, piles, display cases of borrowed memory, and used items wrapped in new material were to have the power to bring people together, it would all fit perfectly. I’d like to invite you to try it.
Many thanks to everyone who has given me clothing on this occasion and thanks to Arteleku as well.

Previous cubes:
With domestic waste. December 04 - January 05. [www.propolispropuestas.com]
With Clothes. March 06. CRR+ Centre of Emaús Social Foundation.

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