
Raimund Krumme is an independent animation filmmaker who also directs commercials for the American and Japanese market. In 1996, he moved from his home in Berlin to Los Angeles. His animated shorts Ropedancers, Spectators, Crossroads, Passage and The Message have won many international awards including the Prix du Jury in Annecy, the Bundesfilmpreis-Filmband in Gold (Bonn), Silver Dragon (Cracow) and Grand Prix for animation (Montreal). He taught at at the University of Minas Gerais, Brasil, CalArts (Califonia( and at the Filmakademie Halle. He also worked at the research department of the Institut National d'Audiovisuel in Paris. He currently resides in Berlin. For the film The Choir of the Prisoners, based on a scene in Beethoven’s opera “Fidelio” he worked for the first time with actors and dancers. Backgrounds and light were computer generated. In 2006 he became an instructor at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne.
A bachelor in commerce Sekhar Muikerjee worked as a cartoonist and illustrator for the Economic Times, Kolkata. He also He also worked in various fields in communication design both in moving and print media before joining in 2002 The National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad as animation faculty. Currently he is working on a film , based on Tagore´s poem 'The Hero' and recently finished a graphic novel 'Peace Will Come according to my Plan' as part of one Indo-Swiss project.Along with heading the NID animation He also direct the NID Animation festival 'Chitrakatha'.
A Master in Film Studies and M. Phil in Women Studies both done from Jadavpur University,Calcutta. Currently she is working on her doctoral studies on Oral naratives of displaced women from Bengal during India's partition. For 6 years she got trained in Bharatanattyam dance which it developed in a passion for other folk dance forms from India. Specially the dances for Rabindranath Tagore songs which she further took formal lessons. She works as a communication consultant with SEWA (Self employed woman association form Gujarat) and also as a visiting faculty of communication studies at several private and public media schools.
Sheila M. Sofian creates films that investigate social issues utilizing a unique hybrid of animation and documentary. She has produced, directed, and animated six independent animated films. She has received grants from the Guggenheim Foundation, Media Arts Fellowship, Re:New Media, the Roy W. Dean Film Grant, the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, the Women in Film Foundation and the Pew Fellowships in the Arts, as well as a residency at the MacDowell Colony. Her award-winning films have been exhibited internationally. Ms. Sofian is currently Department Chair and Associate Professor at the University of Southern California. She holds a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design and an MFA in from the California Institute of the Arts.
Fain's professional credits include Staff Writer on SpongeBob Squarepants; Animation Supervisor for Warner Bros. Online division creating new Flash cartoons for the internet; animating, writing, and directing for the Action League Now! segments of the Nickelodeon series KaBlam!; and most recently Animation Supervisor on the Cartoon Network series Out of Jimmy's Head. His personal films include Oral Hygiene and Panopticon. Fain currently works as a freelance animator, director and writer, and he teaches at both the California Institute of the Arts and the John C. Hench Division of Animation and Digital Arts at USC's School of Cinematic Arts.
is a writer who works across a number of media: fiction, poetry, visual culture. Her novels include Beautiful Mutants, Swallowing Geography, The Unloved, (Vintage) Billy and Girl (Bloomsbury). Her anthology of stories Pillow talk in Europe and Other Places is published by Dalkey Archive Press in the USA and were broadcast by the BBC in UK. An extract from her new book Swimming Home will be published in Best European Fiction 2010, edited by Aleksandar Hemon. Deborah was AHRC Writing Fellow in the Animation Department of the Royal College of Art from 2006-9.
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