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Phil Mulloy and Vera Neubauer

Phil Mulloy and Vera Neubauer  - thumbnail Phil Mulloy and Vera Neubauer  - small

Seeing the sketches of the work process ...

	 Seeing the sketches of the work process ...  - thumbnail 	 Seeing the sketches of the work process ...  - small

Isabel Herguera interviewing Phil Mulloy and Vera Neubauer

	 Isabel Herguera interviewing Phil Mulloy and Vera Neubauer  - thumbnail 	 Isabel Herguera interviewing Phil Mulloy and Vera Neubauer  - small

Seeing the sketches of the work process ...

Seeing the sketches of the work process ...  - thumbnail Seeing the sketches of the work process ...  - small

Phil Mulloy presenting the final works

Phil Mulloy presenting the final works  - thumbnail Phil Mulloy presenting the final works  - small

finally, the works done in the workshop were shown

finally,  the works done in the workshop were shown  - thumbnail finally,  the works done in the workshop were shown  - small