50 Information/ transformation

Zehar #50

50 Information/ transformation

Gaur egungo paisaia, materiala zein inmateriala, gero eta konplexuago bihurtzen ari da eta fenomenoa aztertzeko eta pentsatzeko modu berrien beharrean dago. Gizartea gero eta azkarrago aldatzen da, erritmoak ziztu bizian doaz, erreferentziak gero eta kutsatuago daude, paisaiak gero eta saturatuagoak. Egungo gizarte kapitalistek sortzen duten informazio guzti horrek –orain hiru belaunaldi pentsaezina zen halakorik– aldaketa ikaragarriak ekarri ditu kontsumo gaien produkzio eta banaketa prozesuetan. Gure eguneroko bizimoduko kutsadura bisualak sortarazten digun nahasmena dela eta, Ernst Hubeli arkitekto eta publizistak esaten du badela jakin behar duguna; motelaldi zehaztugabe eta anbibalentetzat hartzen du berak, nahiz eta batzuetan ezin bereiztu benetan dena eta ematen duena, azala eta mamia, alegia. Egoera horretatik abiatuz informazioaren interpretazioa eta prozesamendua jarri nahi dugu mahai gainean ikuspuntu kritiko batetik aztertzeko.

Esperientzia eta pertsona ugari daude esparru askotatik abiatuta informazioa tratatzeko modu berriak proposatzen dituztenak eta ideia ez-estandarren garapenarekin esperimentatzen ari direnak. MVRDV arkitekto taldea, esate baterako, datatown ideiaren inguruan ari da lanean, Ronald van Tienhoven artista bisualak informazioaren diseinua aztertu du eta Bruno Latour-ek, berriz, hausnarketa egin du informazio ideiaren azpian zer dagoen bilatzeko. Interpretazio horiek gogoeta corpus aberatsa osatzen ari dira eta bertan uztartzen dira teoria eta praktika, inolako bereizketarik gabe. Sinergia globalizatzaileei erantzuten dien panorama hori ez da abstraktua, zientzia eta teknologia guztiak bezala, lokalizatua eta sozializatua baizik. Eta horregatik interesatzen zaigu kultura eta politikako ikuspegitik begiratuta aztertzea.

Zehar monografikoak informazioa/transformazioa Latour-en binomioa hartu du eztabaidagune bat sortzeko abiapuntu gisa; batetik, eztabaidatzeko oinarria finkatu nahi dugu eta, bestetik, sormen esparruetan (net.art, diseinua, arkitektura, arte bisualak, musika...) gertatzen ari diren aldaketak hauteman eta zenbait adibide praktikotara hurbilpen bat proposatu.

Editoriale.pdf — PDF document, 55Kb


Technologies To The People Artivistic approaches to the treatment of online information. Laura Baigorri

Daniel García Andújar’s forays into the terrain of the internet began with obscure projects questioning the limits of legal information and free access to technology, and the supposed interactivity of the Net and its credibility. In recent years these incursions have developed into a series of transparent initiatives, which are fully open to citizen collaboration. This transition stems from his moral stance and his deeply social conception of new information and communication technology.

Baigorrii.pdf — PDF document, 170Kb


On the Trail of Hidden Sounds, Stephen Vitiello. Xabier Erkizia

"Most music pieces take sounds ready-made. A few generate their sounds through an encounter with chaos. whether before they start, as their pre-history; or else throughout their endangered progress, presenting the origination of some or all of their already heard sounds".

Jalal Toufic

Erkiziai.pdf — PDF document, 38Kb


From singular Architecture to unscheduled Architecture. Ernst Hubeli

There have been periods during which Architecture has experienced continuous development, and eventually acquires a certain amount of autonomy. During other periods, however, it would seem to be undergoing a process of anticipation. Changes in basic social conditions have questioned previous standards and ideas, and Architecture is forced to seek new principles on which to base its philosophy.

Hubelii.pdf — PDF document, 102Kb


Air Unconditioning. SUSANA NOGUERO

The author analyses the social relationships that have been generated by communication networks, and argues that the interest of this technology lies more in the social use that can be made of it than in the technology itself. She briefly examines some of the most significant active community network projects, and raises a number of questions regarding freedom of communication, the possibility of sharing contents and the commercial interests that stalk them.

Nogueroi.pdf — PDF document, 114Kb


Manufacturing contemporary reality. RAQUEL PELTA

The author argues that we need to deliberate on the current consumer system, based on the perishable nature of objects, which forms part of a culture in permanent transformation and contends that design can be a useful critical tool in this process.

Peltai.pdf — PDF document, 91Kb



Enredi.pdf — PDF document, 285Kb
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