Spaces, landscapes, frontiers

«Unlike others, today’s utopia has found its place: the planet itself».
Marc Augé

Art and space

In a brief text from 1962, entitled Art and Space, Martin Heidegger reaffirms his desire to place the act of philosophy around our relationship with space. In Being and Time, his masterpiece from 1927, he underlined the importance of thinking of our relationship with the world in terms of spatiality. But from the fifties onwards, he questioned this existential link that we have with the space considered as the residence of humanity on earth. This is because, for Heidegger, space makes sense in inhabited places. To exist is to inhabit a space. Put another way, residence is the essential feature of the human condition. And it is precisely at the moment that the arts of space incorporate places that the work of art finds its true dimension. As «implementation of truth», its function is to unite and bring things together with the aim of making humanity’s stay possible on an inhabitable earth.

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